We place great importance on ensuring the rights of persons with disabilities. Therefore, we have invested great efforts in ensuring that our both website and our offices are accessible.
Access to our firm’s branches
Information on building accessibility and accessibility to our offices:
Bnei Brak Branch
The office is located at 7 Metzada Street, Bnei Brak, BSR Tower 4. Paid parking is available in the building. Parking is free of charge for 3 hours for holders of a Ministry of Transport Disabled Permit. The building has accessible disabled persons parking spaces located on Level -1.
A voice message in the elevator announces each floor.
All corridors and entrance doors on each floor are wide and allow wheelchairs to pass. Accessible disabled rest rooms are available.
For assistance on any issue related to attending our office, please contact the reception desk on the 33rd Floor.
Haifa Branch
Our office is located at 7 Pal Yam Street, Haifa, in Phoenix House. Paid parking is available in the building. Parking is free of charge for holders of a Ministry of Transport Disabled Permit. The building has accessible disabled persons parking spaces on the entrance level.
The office door is wide and allows wheelchair access.
For assistance on any issue related to attending our office, please contact the reception desk on the 7th Floor.
Website Accessibility
The website complies with the Equal Rights for Persons with Disabilities (Adjusted Access for Service), Hatashag-5773, Regulations 2013.
Accessibility adjustments were carried out in accordance with the Israel Standard (IS 5568) for AA level internet content accessibility, allowing, among others:
  • Enlarging font size by a button on the designated accessibility ruler
  • Displaying content at high contrast and an option for negative contrast
  • Adjustments for a voice-reading of the website content using a screen reader
  • Website navigation without using the mouse through the arrows, Tab and Enter keys
  • Adjustments for popular browsers
  • Avoidance of flashing components or excessively fast animations
  • Customization for mobile devices
  • Stop / Start control buttons
Despite our efforts at ensuring that all parts of our website are accessible, there may be specific sections which unfortunately have not undergone accessibility adaptations. If you come across a problem of this kind, please let us know and help us improve our website’s accessibility.
Accessibility Contact Information
Please send your questions or remarks to:
Accessibility Coordinator, Advocate Rotem Nissim
Or via the Contact Us option: https://www.dt-law.co.il/contact.asp
Please feel free to contact us via the Postal Services:
Doron Tikotzky Kantor Gutman Nass Amit Gross & Co. Law Office, 7 Metzada Street, Bnei Brak 5126112
This Accessibility Statement was updated on 27 August 2022

Feel free to reach out to us: Center Branch 03-6109100, Haifa Branch 04-8147500, Mobile 054-4251054

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